Use Our Photos
Most of the photos on this site were taken by me, Jeff Whitlock, but some were taken by
others in my family. The photographer's name is listed below each picture, and all of the
photos are copyrighted.
Because we support education, conservation, and the efforts of kids, our photos are
licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
Please see a decription of that license at
In addition, we grant permission to use our photos for the following purposes.
Zoos, aquariums, nature centers, and museums for any purpose except merchandise.
I'll probably also let you use them for merchandise, but please check with me first.
Attribution is appreciated but not required.
Academic textbooks and journals along with the supporting material such as websites and press releases.
Attribution is required for the published work, but not for supporting material.
A copy of the published work would be greatly appreciated but is not required.
I am happy to sign a release if you need one. There are two limitations on this permission.
First, if the publication is a collection of photos (rather than using photos as illustrations for the text),
please talk to me first. Second, do not use our photos for any publication that attempts to disprove evolution
or provides an alternate "theory".
School projects, as either the student or the teacher. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching aids,
class projects, homework assignments, art projects, and websites. Attribution is not required.
Personal projects, including scrap books, art projects, and websites.
If your personal website is hosted by a company that displays ads in order to make the site free to you,
that is okay, but if you make money from the ads, talk to me first. Attribution is not required.
When attribution is made, please credit the photographer listed on the photo.
If you want to use a photo for any commercial purpose not covered above,
please e-mail me at